As I’m sitting down to type this, I still feel like I’m living a dream. I have not come down from Cloud 9 since Friday when Zach proposed to me!!
I wanted to share all of the details of the day, and also take you along with me for what is going to be a wild next couple of months planning our big day!!
I cannot believe I have a ~fiancé~ ahhh!!!
To begin, Zach and I had talked a lot about marriage over the past few months, and while I was expecting a ring soon, he had specifically said to me that it wouldn’t be coming on our two year dating anniversary because he thought it was silly, and I fully believed him. That being said, every time we’ve had plans over the last few weeks, I’ve been sure to have my nails done, makeup on, cute outfit steamed, and my hair in as good of shape as it can be in the DC humidity.
He spent the night before at my apartment, and we got up to go to work like usual, literally nothing seemed out of the ordinary and Zach was so calm.
Because it was our two year dating anniversary, we had plans after work to grab a drink at a bar by work, take the long way past the Capitol home, and then order a pizza and play games that evening.
When I tell you I spent the whole day having a conversation with myself talking myself off the ledge, and how it wasn’t going to happen, and that I can’t show him I’m disappointed…y’all, you would have thought I was crazy.
Zach and I both work in the same building, so he stopped by my office at the end of the day to pick me up for drinks, and again, nothing out of the ordinary. We walked and talked about our day, and then got to the bar and talked about our day even more.
You know when you know someone so well, that you feel their energy, well I could feel Zach’s and something was definitely buzzing. We paid our tab and started walking the two block towards the Capitol, and something told me to keep my cool, but I also silenced my phone, put it in my bad, and moved my bag to my right shoulder in case I needed my left hand free for something :)
As we approached the Capitol, I was rambling and wouldn’t shut up about who knows what, but I saw Zach swing his backpack around and I immediately get butterflies, he pulls out a letter (for our anniversary this year that was the agreed upon gift, sweet letters to each other) and before I could even begin to read it, Zach said “well I think you know what happens next” and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. The easiest yes!

Our friend Brice pops out from behind the tree with his camera and my best friend Corinne follows suit. I was so surprised and was in complete shock!
After calling our families and taking pictures for about 15 minutes, Zach asked me if I wanted to go have some champagne, which if you know me, you know that answer is always yes! So we loaded into Corinne’s car and started heading to one of our favorite bars, The Brig.

I figured that Corinne’s husband, maybe another friend or two would be there, but I had no idea that as I walked up, it would be an entire surprise engagement party complete with balloons, decorations, cake, and 25 of our best friends in the world!
We greeted everyone, I was so overwhelmed and still in shock. We drank the night away and headed to another of our favorite bars, The Salt Line, after to keep the party going.
We woke up the next day, exhausted but in complete bliss, and continued celebrating all day long. He bought me a ring so the least I could do was buy him breakfast and lunch right ha!
I couldn’t be happier the God brought Zach into my life and I am so excited for the life that we are building together.
Now onto wedding planning!!